General Staff Meeting at Aston Pasteur with a Sports Theme
General Staff Meeting at Aston Pasteur with a Sports Theme
General Staff Meeting at Aston Pasteur with a Sports Theme
Aston Pasteur
01 August 2024

Bandung, August 2024 —  Aston Pasteur hosted a lively and beneficial General Staff Meeting with a sports theme on Monday, July 29, 2024. All employees were required to wear sports-themed attire, such as running gear, football jerseys, and basketball uniforms, which added to the enthusiasm and camaraderie of the event.

One of the highlights of the event was a health screening conducted in collaboration with RS Hermina Pasteur, Puskesmas Sukagalih, and KPA Kota Bandung. Employees had the opportunity to check their blood sugar and cholesterol levels, as well as measure their blood pressure. The event was hosted by the Housekeeping and Accounting Departments, who successfully energized the atmosphere with exciting games and attractive prizes for all employees. A variety of delicious dishes, including meatballs and refreshing drinks, were also served, adding to the festive atmosphere and delighting the participants' palates.

Additionally, the announcement of the Employee of the Semester and Trainee of the Semester winners was a highly anticipated moment, recognizing outstanding employees. "This award is a great motivation for us to continue giving our best. This event is very beneficial, not only for health but also for strengthening inter-departmental relationships," said Thariska from the Front Office department, the winner of Employee of the Semester.

The General Staff Meeting concluded with a live music performance, creating a warm and enjoyable atmosphere. This event was not only a gathering but also a means to raise awareness of the importance of health in the workplace. Hopefully, similar events will continue to provide benefits to all parties involved.

To make reservations, you can contact us via WhatsApp at 0821-3061-7775. You can also follow our social media account @AstonPasteur and don't forget to share your precious moments using the hashtag #AstonPasteur.###

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