ASTON Priority Simatupang Supports Tourism Resources Competency At Vocational School Level
ASTON Priority Simatupang Supports Tourism Resources Competency At Vocational School Level
Aston Priority Simatupang Supports Tourism Resources Competency At Vocational School Level
Aston Priority Simatupang & Conference Center
10 July 2024

Human Resources competency has an important role in the development of quality Indonesian tourism so that it can help economic growth and create jobs. For this reason, ASTON Priority Simatupang is collaborating with the Vocational High School (SMK) Negeri 57 Jakarta to help improve the competency of Tourism Human Resources through the Industrial Class program. The signing of the joint agreement was carried out by Andi Gevika Rizki (General Manager of ASTON Priority Simatupang Hotel) and Dr. Valentina Purnama Dewi, M.Si (Head of SMK 57 Jakarta) on Wednesday, July 10 2024 at SMK Negeri 57 Jakarta.

This partnership is a collaboration in utilizing the potential, expertise and facilities of the ASTON Priority Simatupang Hotel and SMK Negeri 57 Jakarta. Other programs that are being carried out include the implementation of strengthening vocational education and carrying out field work practices (training experience) for students at the ASTON Priority Simatupang hotel in the field of Food & Beverage Department (F&B Service and F&B Product), as well as hotel accommodation in the Front Office and Housekeeping divisions.

Apart from that, ASTON Priority Simatupang hotel management is also involved in several main things such as preparing a curriculum that is aligned with Industry, implementing real project-based learning from the world of work or industry, increasing the number and role of industrial guest teachers in learning, as well as being committed to the absorption of graduates by the tourism industry.

“Hopefully, through this collaboration, our students can be well guided, directed and cared for by the ASTON Priority Simatupang hotel team. As time passes through this program, we will conduct evaluations” comment Dr. Valentina Purnama Dewi, M.Si, Head of SMK Negeri 57 Jakarta.

“Representing the management of the ASTON Priority Simatupang hotel, it is an honor for us to be involved in making a contribution to the world of education, especially to improve the competency of Tourism Human Resources. When at the hotel, students will be guided by our team of leaders who can provide theoretical explanations that are in line with real practice in the world of work. It is hoped that after students graduate, they will be immediately absorbed as qualified workers for our hotel.” adds Andi Gevika Rizki, General Manager Hotel ASTON Priority Simatupang.

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