Eid Adha 1445 Hijriah 2024
Eid Adha 1445 Hijriah 2024
Eid Adha 1445 Hijriah 2024
Aston Kupang Hotel & Convention Center
27 June 2024

KupangJune 2024 - In commemoration of Eid al-Adha 1445 H, which falls on June 17, 2024, Aston Kupang Hotel & Convention Center is holding a symbolic event to hand over sacrificial animals. The event will take place on Friday, June 14, 2024.

The handover of these sacrificial animals is a form of gratitude to God Almighty for the continuity and success of Aston Kupang Hotel, established since 2014. Despite many challenges that have come and gone, we remain highly dedicated in fulfilling the duties and responsibilities bestowed upon us. Guest satisfaction is our happiness and the key to our success.

"We are grateful for the opportunity and blessings bestowed by God Almighty. As Aston Kupang Hotel enters its 10th year, we can share Qurbani meat with the local community and those in need. This occasion also serves to strengthen our ties with the surrounding environment. Hopefully, this activity will bring many benefits and teach us to always be grateful for the gifts we receive," said Schoniya Hutsim, Marketing Communications.

This annual activity demonstrates Aston Kupang Hotel's commitment to the environment, especially to the local community, whom we consider our extended family.



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