Small Business Entrepreneurs ( UMKM ) play an essential role in the Indonesian economy through absorbing labor. This incentivizes the hospitality business to contribute to the well-being of these MSME activists.
ASTON Sidoarjo debuted UMKM products in collaboration with the Sidoarjo Regency Government, in this case the Sidoarjo Regency Health Office, on July 25, 2023. The Regent of Sidoarjo, H. Ahmad Muhdlor Ali, S.IP, also attended this occasion.
"We want to contribute to the welfare while also providing business space for UMKM in Sidoarjo by providing free snacks for guests in several room types," said David Eko Susanto, General Manager of ASTON Sidoarjo.
The snacks, which are provided by the Sidoarjo Regency Traditional Health Independent Care Group, are a selection chosen for the superior toga processed products in each of the puskesmas' aided areas. As a result of the selection, four (four) products, namely Asman Jahe in Tlasih Tulangan Village, Asman in Aloe Vera in Gelang Tulangan Village, Asman Sueje in Sidorejo Krian Village, and Asman Lajase in Darmasi Buduran Village, were chosen to be available in the Executive, Suite, and President Suite room types.
ASTON Sidoarjo will deliver roughly 1,000 snack boxes every month. "We really appreciate the steps taken by the ASTON Sidoarjo hotel, because this will directly impact the wheels of the economy and also the welfare of UMKM in Sidoarjo Regency," stated the Head of the Sidoarjo District Health Office.
It is envisaged that this type of partnership will also help the Sidoarjo Regent's primary goal, which aims to create 100,000 new employment. "Of course, this ongoing collaboration is very useful, particularly for selected self-care groups, but also in general in motivating the spirit of innovation for other self-care groups," stated Mrs. Sa'adah Ahmad Muhdlor, Head of TP PKK Kab. Sidoarjo.
Aside from that, hotel guests will be aware of the existence of local items from Sidoarjo Regency that are also of high quality for consumption.