Bojonegoro, December 2022 - As a concrete form of implementation of providing support to the world of education, ASTON Bojonegoro City Hotel and favehotel Sudirman Bojonegoro signed an MoU on Cooperation with SMK Negeri 1 Bojonegoro on December 27 yesterday.
The signing of this collaboration was carried out by the General Manager of ASTON Bojonegoro City Hotel and favehotel Sudirman Bojonegoro, Mrs. AR. Atik Damarjati and Mr. Fatkhurrokhim as principals of SMKN 1 Bojonegoro and held in the hall of SMKN 1 Bojonegoro. The signing of the cooperation covers the field of Industrial Work Practices as well as cooperation in the field of education.
General Manager of ASTON Bojonegoro City Hotel and favehotel Sudirman Bojonegoro, Ms. AR. Atik Damarjati said ”With the signing of this internship acceptance cooperation it is hoped that it can provide a clear picture of the picture in hospitality. So after graduating from school they will be better prepared to face the world of work.”
Also added by the HR Manager of ASTON Bojonegoro City Hotel and favehotel Sudirman Bojonegoro, Mr. Anak Agung Gede Putra Kresnanda that "This collaboration makes vocational high school graduates greater opportunities to get jobs.".
Mr. Fatkhurrokhim as the principal of SMKN 1 Bojonegoro is also grateful and thanks the Aston Hotel and Favehotel Bojonegoro for the reopening of the collaboration which had been halted during the pandemic. This long-term commitment is considered very beneficial between vocational high schools and the business world and the industrial world. The collaboration program between SMK and DU/DI is also an absolute requirement for the success of vocational education later.