Visit and Warm Talk with Gorontalo Post
Aston Gorontalo Hotel & Villas07 Nov 2024
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Aston Gorontalo Hotel & Villas, paid an official visit to the Gorontalo Post editorial office. The visit, which took place on Thursday morning, was warmly welcomed by the Director and the entire Gorontalo Post team. A warm and intimate atmosphere was created in the discussion that took place, where topics around tourism and local wisdom in Gorontalo were the main highlights.

This enthusiastic discussion reflects the common vision between Aston Gorontalo and Gorontalo Post, which is to advance the Gorontalo region by making tourism one of the main driving forces. Both Aston Gorontalo as a representation of the hospitality and tourism industry, and Gorontalo Post as a media that has a wide reach, have an agreement that Gorontalo has great potential that can still be developed, especially in terms of local wisdom and unique natural attractions.

“Gorontalo has a lot of potential that has not been fully explored, and collaboration with media such as Gorontalo Post will certainly greatly support our tourism promotion efforts at Aston Gorontalo.” said General Manager of Aston Gorontalo, Mr. Nilwan Ruswir.

Aston Gorontalo Hotel & Villas berkomitmen untuk memperkenalkan budaya lokal kepada para tamu hotel serta mendukung pengembangan pariwisata yang berkelanjutan. Gorontalo Post, melalui berbagai kanal publikasinya, akan terus memberikan dukungan dalam mengedukasi serta menginspirasi masyarakat dan wisatawan tentang keindahan serta kekayaan budaya yang dimiliki Gorontalo.

With this meeting, it is expected that concrete steps in the development of Gorontalo tourism will be stronger and produce a positive impact on the local community.