ASTON Sentul Lake Resort & Conference Center Support Earth Hour and Fun Easter Activity for Kids
Aston Sentul Lake Resort & Conference Center09 Apr 2024
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On Saturday, March 23 2024 at 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm the global "Earth Hour" campaign with a power outage for one hour was carried out. The campaign initiated by the World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF) which is part of the global environmental awareness.

"As a form of concern for the environment, the lights on the outside of the building and inside the hotel were turned off, we also invited hotel guests to participate by turning off the TVs and the lights in the rooms. We invited guests who stayed overnight to support this program, explained Albert Siregar – General Manager."

In other events was the joy of the Easter celebration, which was much awaited and full of blessings, is a special month for Hotels under the auspices of the Archipelago Group, with a modern style brand & being one of the leading resorts located only 10 minutes from Bogor and 30 minutes from Jakarta,. It is designed for business people and families on weekends.

The children enthusiastically took part in the program, "Easter Fun Activity", located at Terrace Barata Restaurant from 8 - 10 am, in Collaboration with the Noccio brand. Noccio is a jam that is different from other peanut butters, with the slogan "less salt no cholesterol" & halal MUI. Activities were filled with egg hunting, coloring competitions, sand painting, bracelet making, and rabbit feeding also enlivened the activities on that day. We aim for this event to become a holiday destination for people to celebrate joyfully, such as staying overnight with family or just having dinner with friends, closed Indri Hapsari – Marcomm Manager”.